Have I already told you all already that we were chosen to host a #DisneySide @Home Celebration? Way back in January I applied to BSM Media to host a party. I never thought I would be chosen because among other things I had waited till the cut off time for applications.

(I received free products in order to host the Disney Side @Home Celebration.
The opinions expressed here are my own.)
We had medical emergencies in the family that is fine now but at the time there was no way I could even think of hosting a party. I was not in the party mood and felt like my DisneySide had been sucked right out of me. Once everyone was well I hopped right on sending the application in. I was over the top excited when a few days later I heard back from BSM Media that I had been chosen.
I plan to use this opportunity to get together with people I haven't seen in a long time and show off our Disney Side. It will be so much fun but I'm a little nervous. I've seen some amazing pictures of parties held already. Mine won't be as grand but it will be fun.
The box actually arrived in a snowstorm. I had been stalking the front door, even had DS shovel a path for the UPS man all day and then when night came so did the magical box. We waited till the next morning to open it.
Look what's inside:
Once open the box held my hostess gift, a beautiful Wood Violet 21" American Tourister DeLite Spinner bag which was filled with party goods for my magical celebration. American Tourister is The Official Luggage of Walt Disney World and Disneyland Resorts
Pictured here are the party activities that I can't wait for our guests to try. Disney tatoos, stickers, Disney themed Bingo game, a Disney trivia game and face painting illustrations.
I can't wait to try the trivia and Bingo with my guests. There's a Disney vacation planning video, lots and lots of HP photo paper packs, Muppet's Most Wanted calendars, runDisney chEAR signs and bracelets.
There are some really cute Mickey shaped cookie cutters and a set of “The Chew” measuring cups and recipe cards. Lots of Ocean Spray Craisins which I know are going to be a big hit. We love snacking on them at home and in the parks. Cooking with Craisins will be fun.
My favorite in the box are the “So this is Love” prints by Will Gay who is the Creative Director for Yellow Shoes Creative Group. The best part is I have enough to share with each of our guests. I know they will be as thrilled as I was to receive it. I can’t wait to frame mine!
Thank you so much #DisneySide for this wonderful opportunity! I am overwhelmed by the generosity being shown to bloggers from Disney, HP, Ocean Spray and American Tourister for this event. I thrilled to be participating.
This week my posts will be filled with plans for recipes and decorations. I have gotten a lot of great ideas from the parties that posted in the #DisneySide @HomeCelebration Facebook group. I've been looking at recipes, organizing and even started my own #DisneySide @Home Celebration Pinterest Board to hold all of mine grand ideas.
What do think the theme of my party will be?
Next the planning and preparing...
(I received free products in order to host the Disney Side @Home Celebration. The opinions expressed here are my own.)
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