

10 Tips for Better #Disney Pictures

Today we're sharing a list of 10 simple things that may be helpful the next time you're capturing the Disney magic in pictures. When we're on a Disney vacation we take thousands of pictures. It's a great place to hone photography skills and experiment with with new lenses or cameras but your Disney vacation images and memories are precious so practice before you go. 

Epcot Rose Garden

  • Zoom in. Disney parks and resorts are well known for their incredible attention to detail in storytelling. Zoom in on those details to create your picture story.
  • Watch the light. If you're in the shade or the subject is back lit, use your flash to fill in the shadows. Some flash heads can be adjusted (-/+) to prevent blowing out (washing out) the shadows entirely. Experiment at home with your flash, before you travel. To warm up the colors on your daytime shots you could switch to your "cloudy" setting.
Boardwalk Inn Bellevue Room Outdoor Seating
  • Move the subject off center. It creates interest. Here's an example of a couple of interesting characters. Moving them off center gives the illusion they are deep in conversation.
Star Wars Weekend Darth Maul

  • Be quick, snap to it! If you take too long you may miss the moment and/or your Dole Whip will be a puddle of mush.

Aloha Isle Dole Whip

  • Be prepared! Florida weather can change rapidly from sunny to a monsoon. Carry xlarge ziplock bags for your camera and camera bag. A micro fiber towel is a must in my bag too.
  • Chimp as you go! "Chimping" is an expression used to describe the way you review your pictures in the LCD screen. If you're in bright light put your towel, shirt or something over your head so that you can see your pictures on your LCD screen. Don't waste valuable touring/family time deleting pictures. Delete, dump and get rid of your trashy photos later back in your resort.
  • Shoot, shoot, shoot! Bring lots and lots of memory from home. You can never have enough memory cards or pictures! 
  • Your memories are priceless so protect them by putting your ph# on the memory card using a CD/DVD marker. I also put this picture of our dog, Einstein (with my ph#) on my memory card as the first picture I see when I turn on the camera. You could take a picture of your business card or a quick snap of your resort room number. Having a photo or phone number on your memory card helps ensure it will be returned to you if found.

  • Get in the pic. Give your camera to a PhotoPass photographer or a son as I did:) Photopass photographers are always very willing to take pictures with your camera. They are insured too. If they drop it they will replace it.

Traveling solo? This the neatest gadget, the XShot Camera ExtenderIt's perfect for getting yourself in the picture. Perfect for a point and shoot but I wouldn't put put an 8lb DSLR on it;)

While we're speaking of equipment. Don't forget to bring a tripod if you want to capture Wishes, in the Magic Kingdom or Illuminations: Reflections of Earth in Epcot. It really does make a difference in your pictures and in your experience. I know, I've tried it.
Epcot Illuminations

  • Snap Signs.Take pictures of the attraction signs before you enter. If it's a dark ride and your pictures aren't printable, at least you'll have a pictures of the sign to jog your memory. Gift shops are another great picture taking spot.
  • Read online photography boards. I'm partial to the DISBoards and would love it if you connected with me there, I'm Debº0ºS on the boards. You can ask questions and share information with like minded folks. They're always very helpful. I have made some great friends through the boards.

You don't want to miss capturing one magical moment! If you're stuck, there are very helpful CMs in camera shops located in each of the parks that can assist with your camera questions.

Do you have a Disney photography question? Send me an email ( 
Have a magical day,
